Here in this article i am going to share some important step about summary writing. To write a perfect summary of given prose paragraph follow the below steps.
- Read the given passage carefully several times (at least thrice ) and try to understand its main theme.
- When you read, find out the keywords and phrase in the given passage and underline them. They are to serve as your min points.
- The summary must be written in your own words. It should not be a haphazard extract from the original. The sentences should be carry the ideas of the passage, but not echo its language.
- Arrange the leading ideas, when you have grasped them, in a logical order. Read through each of your own sentences, and see that it is clear, brief and complete in itself.
- Ask yourself whether another reader, who has not read the original passage, would get the basic idea or message correctly from your summary.
- There is no hard and fast rule about the length of a summary. It depends on the main idea or ideas in the passage given. But roughly the expected size of a summary would be half the size of original passage.
- The summary must be written in indirect speech, i.e., in the third person.
- A few introductory words like "The speaker thinks" or "Here the author expresses" sound sensible.
- Add no information or comment of your own.
- The summary should usually be confined to one paragraph.
Here some step must be followed to write a perfect a summary.
Here are some example of summary writing , You can check them by clicking on the example link.
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
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How to write a perfect summary ?
Write a perfect summary.
Summary Writing.
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